Fortune 100 companies, global tech leaders, top foundations, and forward-thinking communities turn to Felecia Hatcher for one reason—she delivers transformational impact. As an internationally acclaimed speaker, author, and architect of inclusive innovation, Felecia doesn’t just inspire—she equips organizations and individuals with the tools to amplify their impact, spark game-changing ideas, and step boldly into their Zone of Genius. Whether through dynamic keynotes, expertly curated experiences, or game-changing courses, bringing Felecia into your organization means unlocking the future of innovation and leadership.


Planners, Worksheets, Books, Ebooks and really cool gifts!

Training & courses

Live trainings and self-guided courses to help you design your uninterrupted life, get focused and unlock your genius potential! Taught by Felecia Hatcher

work with felecia

Need a strategy session with Felecia for yourself or your team or want her to speak at your next event?


Creative guides to help you get focused, expand your presence within the innovation economy & step into your genius!

The Power of FOCUS: How It Transformed My Life and Can Transform Yours

Whenever someone discovers the many hats I wear—author, speaker, entrepreneur, executive, and mom—they invariably ask, “How do you manage it all?” Here’s the raw truth: it wasn’t always seamless.

Back in 2008, when I embarked on my journey with Feverish, I often felt like I was in perpetual chaos. My days were filled with hustle and bustle, yet I seemed to be missing the mark repeatedly. The pivotal moment? Losing a significant client simply because I overlooked a proposal deadline. That was the wake-up call I desperately needed.

From that point, I made it my mission to devise systems that streamlined my thought process, priorities, goals, and deadlines. This structure not only brought clarity and focus to my life but also propelled my revenue upwards.

The transformation was astounding. We witnessed exponential growth, a testament to the power of focus and organization. I'm confident that the courses, live training sessions, and resources I’ve crafted will empower you as well. It’s time for you to secure those dream clients, amplify your career's impact, and fully embrace the life you're destined for. Dive deep into your unique genius, and let focus be your guiding light.