Bring Felecia in for your upcoming in-person and virtual events. Check out her signature talks below and how you can bring her to your upcoming event.



With over 40 Talks per year Felecia is a highly sought-after global speaker, with two decades of high-energy presentations, speaking to CEO’s, career professionals, entrepreneurs, government, startup founders, and investors. Felecia Hatcher has earned a reputation as a leading authority on personal transformation, innovation, entrepreneurial mindset, inclusive innovation/diversity, and funding.

Felecia's most requested speaking topics include:

Photo credit: Mindvalley

Other topics explored in this talk/training:

Working in this new normal requires you to step into your Zone of Genius, to be mentally prepared to design the future, and to develop new ways that foster collaboration, culture, creativity, and commitment to working on something much bigger than ourselves. In this session, you will learn how to find your north star, step boldly into your personal zone of genius to achieve peak performance, pivot your mindset, become more engaged and impact within the innovation economy, and recharge with the ability to take on the world.

Attendees will walk away from Felecia's session knowing how to:

1. Identify your Zones of Low Return
2. Step Boldly into their Zone of Genius
3. How to better identify their personal Zones of Opportunity.
4. Leave with clear strategies on how to PLAY BIGGER and WIN Bigger in the innovation economy.

Other topics explored in this talk/training:

  • Personal and Organizational Transformation

  • Personal Transformation in the New Normal

Bring Felecia to Rock the Stage at your upcoming event!

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